home three steps to sustainable cleaning what is sustainable cleaning? guidance for ingredient selection natural vs synthetic safety and risk assessment
A guide for users of professional cleaning products
three steps to sustainable cleaning what is sustainable cleaning? guidance for ingredient selection natural vs synthetic safety and risk assessment

Users of cleaning products are increasingly aware of the need to conduct cleaning operations in a way that is ‘environmentally friendly’. But this doesn’t just mean using chemicals that are safe for the environment, it means minimising all the many other environmental impacts that arise in making and using cleaning products, such as energy consumption and waste disposal. The term ‘improving sustainability’ is used to refer to making an improvement in the overall impact of cleaning. There are three key steps which are required to optimise sustainability:

* Choose products that are designed for sustainability as well as safety
* Work with suppliers so that they responsibly manage their manufacturing impacts
* Minimise the environmental impacts that arise during your cleaning operations

This website provides guidance on implementing these steps.

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3 steps to sustainable cleaning
what is sustainable cleaning?
guidance for ingredient selection
natural vs synthetic
safety and risk assessment
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Defra welcomes this guidance as part of its commitment to support sustainable public procurement in the UK in line with its strategy for promoting sustainable development across Government.

The guidance for ingredient selection which appears on this website was first published in 2006, prior to which it was reviewed by the Government’s Advisory Committee on Hazardous Substances. The initiative was subsequently welcomed by the UK Chemicals Stakeholder Forum.